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Medical Activities

Telloyan John Arthur(テロイヤン ジャン アーサー) TELLOYAN John



医学部 医学科 講師


1. 2016 US Presidential Election Analysis 分類:セミナー・シンポジウム 役割:企画,運営 対象者:一般市民,学生 人数:30~100人未満 We explained some of the forces affecting American politics during the 2016 US presidential election. 主催者:John Telloyan


1. 教育・学習相談 Consulted with various students and foreign students. 相談者:一般市民,その他 2022年 1月 ~ 2022年 12月
2. 教育・学習相談 Consulted with various students and foreign students. 相談者:一般市民,その他 2016年 1月 ~ 2016年 12月


1. Waikato Institute of Technology homestay-study tour 学生 New Zealand 人数:20人 helped prepare our medical and nursing students going to NZ. These students were going to New Zealand to observe their medical system, enjoy numerous cultural experiences and practice speaking English outside Japan. キーワード:homestay study tour online study (2022年度)
2. Dzebu Engedzani Confidence 人数:1人 I helped local JET Dzebu Engedzani apply for post-JET employment and she got a job in another prefecture. (2021年度)
3. Waikato Institute of Technology homestay-study tour 学生 New Zealand 人数:20人 helped supervise our medical and nursing students considering overseas study which was unfortunately suspended due to COVID-19. These students would have gone to New Zealand to observe their medical system, enjoy numerous cultural experiences and practice speaking English outside Japan. We substituted an online 1-week seminar at 3 hours per day. キーワード:homestay study tour online study (2021年度)
4. Waikato Institute of Technology homestay-study tour 学生 New Zealand 人数:20人 helped supervise our medical and nursing students considering overseas study which was unfortunately suspended due to COVID-19. These students would have gone to New Zealand to observe their medical system, enjoy numerous cultural experiences and practice speaking English outside Japan. We substituted an online 1-week seminar at 3 hours per day. キーワード:homestay study tour online study (2020年度)
5. Conversational English class 国費留学生 China, Mongolia, 人数:10人 Almost every Wednesday evening, I taught an English class in basic conversation skills to Internal Medicine II doctors and any international students interested in studying. 2018年 1月 ~ 2018年 12月 (2018年度)
6. Waikato Institute of Technology homestay-study tour 私費留学生 New Zealand 人数:20人 helped supervise our medical and nursing students as they went to New Zealand to observe their medical system, enjoy numerous cultural experiences and practice speaking English outside Japan. 2019年 3月 ~ 2019年 3月 (2018年度)


1. 協定校への留学支援 人数:20人 In 2022, I helped prepare our students to travel to New Zealand (NZ) to see the NZ medical system 1st hand, have many cultural experiences and use English every day. This was the 1st in-person program since this exchange was suspended due to Covid 19 for the 2019 school year. Waikato Institute of Technology
2. 協定校への留学支援 人数:1人 Arranged homestay for student Hirokane Kazusa as she went to study in America. Homestay was from Dec. 20, 2022 to Jan. 2, 2023.
3. 協定校への留学支援 人数:20人 Gave a short speech at Wintec intro session in e-Clinic on 5/19/22.
4. 協定校への留学支援 人数:1人 Helped Hirokane Kazusa with TOEFL IBT practice as she prepared to go to America. University of Florida
5. 協定校への留学支援 人数:20人 In 2020, this program (Sato Sensei and I were chaperones for our medical and nursing students who visited New Zealand for 18 days. During this time, our students could see the NZ medical system 1st hand, have many cultural experiences and use English every day.) was suspended due to Covid 19, but we replaced it with a 1-week online seminar. Waikato Institute of Technology
6. 協定校への留学支援 人数:20人 In March, 2019, Sato Sensei and I were chaperones for our medical and nursing students who visited New Zealand for 18 days. During this time, our students could see the NZ medical system 1st hand, have many cultural experiences and use English every day. Waikato Institute of Technology
7. 派遣(語学研修・共同研究・学会発表等) 人数:1人 Helped connect 4th year medical student Hirokane Kazusa with American host family Zalinski in Illinois, USA. Dec. 2022